Application Update History

Application ID: 1-868-85241

String: MEET

Applicant: Afilias plc

Posting DateSummaryFromToComment
21 March 2013 Updates were made to application question number 7. These updates were made as a result of ICANN approving an application change request submitted by the applicant. Question number 7 contains public and confidential data. Updates to the public data are reflected in the HTML file posted to the right. These updates are available for public comment for 30 days, beginning on the posting date.
1-868-85241_MEET.html (v1)
1-868-85241_MEET.html (v2)
22 February 2013 Updates were made to application question number 11g. These updates were made as a result of ICANN approving an application change request submitted by the applicant. Question number 11g contains confidential data and therefore updates of the data are not being posted. There is no public comment available for these changes.
Not Available
Not Available