New gTLD Auction Results

Auction results are listed below. Only contention sets that resolved through Auction are included. This page will be periodically updated within seven (7) days after an Auction or update in status.

Information about the Auction process, Auction proceeds or additional contention set status' can be found on the Auctions page, Auction proceeds page or Contention Set Status page, respectively.

StringContention Set NumberAuction DateApplication IDWinning ApplicantWinning Price
WEB23327 July 20161-1296-36138NU DOT CO LLC
WEBS23327 July 20161-1033-73917Vistaprint Limited
SHOP22927 January 20161-890-65213GMO Registry, Inc.
HOTELS8218 November B.V.
PING21425 March 20151-1833-90242Ping Registry Provider, Inc.
SRL22625 March 20151-1013-93642mySRL GmbH
APP3925 February 20151-1138-33325Charleston Road Registry Inc.
MLS14417 December 20141-1828-26452The Canadian Real Estate Association
BABY6717 December 20141-1156-50969Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
DOT5219 November 20141-2005-70840Dish DBS Corporation
SALON2822 October 20141-1618-18834Outer Orchard, LLC
REALTY11222 October 20141-1913-14988Fegistry, LLC
SPOT10922 October 20141-1317-50025Amazon EU S.à r.l.
VIP4117 September 20141-1037-88001Minds + Machines Group Limited
TECH2017 September 20141-1670-76346Dot Tech LLC
BUY1617 September 20141-1315-53217Amazon EU S.à r.l.
信息604 June 20141-995-44061Beijing Tele-info Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17

  • * Winning applicant results are preliminary until the winning price is received in full.All prices are displayed in United States Dollars (USD) with a comma denoting the thousands separator.